Breaking Stereotypes, One Barcode Scan at a Time Syracuse, NY – In a groundbreaking turn of events, a local man has achieved the remarkable feat of being crowned the prestigious title of “Self-Checkout ‘Employee’ of the Month.” This parody article pays homage to the unsung heroes who navigate the treacherous world of self-checkout lanes with… Continue reading Local Man crowned ‘Self-Checkout “Employee” of the Month’
Author: LIVE from the 315!
Tipperary Hill Mayoral Election Postponed “Candidates need more time to sober up”
Employees Throw their Boss a Pizza Party in lieu of Increasing Revenue
“We know you asked us to work harder to make the company more money, but we thought you’d enjoy a single free lunch more.” – Gertrude, Head of Sales
18-25%: Downtown Hospital to Allow Nurses to Ask for Tips
A Technological Twist to Gratuity Giving or Tipping Turmoil? In an astonishing twist that combines technology, finance, and healthcare, a Syracuse hospital has decided to embrace the concept of tipping by introducing a unique method of requesting gratuities. Get ready for the iPad revolution! Nurses will now display patients’ outrageous hospital bill totals on an… Continue reading 18-25%: Downtown Hospital to Allow Nurses to Ask for Tips
City Announces Initiative to Help Panhandlers Accept Bitcoin
Village of Manlius Announces plan to replace Faye with Surveillance Drone
From Tragedy to Technology – A Futuristic Feathered Companion Takes Flight in Honor of Faye In a bittersweet announcement that blends sorrow and technological innovation, the Village of Manlius reveals its plan to introduce a surveillance drone as a replacement for the beloved Faye the Swan. Following Faye’s untimely demise, this cutting-edge decision aims to… Continue reading Village of Manlius Announces plan to replace Faye with Surveillance Drone